When is it complete?

When is it complete?

Dear Brilliant Writer, Yes…you who puts words on paper because it heals you. I’ve been thinking about you and that thought you have about your writing that keeps you from sharing it. You know the one that says, “It’s not ready…not finished…not complete…not good enough...

Self Portrait of an Inner Critic

Self Portrait of an Inner Critic

I woke up to her today--the inner asylum, the cage where I hide my sacred rage at all the ways I have learned to keep myself small. It is the place I used to run to when I was a kid and got too big for the world and mistook my differences for wrong. In there, I grew a...

Some Clarity on Bone Writing in the Night

Some Clarity on Bone Writing in the Night

Each time there is a crack and something breaks in, there is a gush of aliveness. I cry for what I’ve been missing and didn’t even know was gone. I am working in the subtle layers, the aspects of my subconscious mind stream that aren’t so clear, perceptible, in my...

Taking On Risk

Taking On Risk

Risk is a word I’ve looked up numerous times because it is a word I want to get to know better, from the inside. I know that in order to live the big, full life I want, and to feel fully alive, I have to get intimate with risk. My etymological dictionary says, “the...

More on Living in the Breakthrough and Living in FLOW

More on Living in the Breakthrough and Living in FLOW

Last week I was live on FB sharing the 4-Steps to Living in FLOW on and off the page. In service of really sharing what flow is all about I want to tell you about what happened after that video.

When I hit the “Done” button and went off the air, I felt totally sick to my stomach. I was […]

The Whimsical Word– LIVE in FLOW on and off the page!

The Whimsical Word– LIVE in FLOW on and off the page!

I was on Facebook live yesterday for Whimsical Wednesday sharing a breakthrough I am currently having (yes, still having–I’m in the “breaking” part of the breakthrough) around what it means to live in flow on and off the page. I shared my 4 Steps for Living in FLOW […]

The Whimsical Word–How Clear is Your Atmosphere?

This is just one of the questions that arose out of today’s first ever LIVE Video Whimsical Word Wednesday!

I am reimagining and expanding my vision for my newsletter, The Whimsical Word, and today that started with the first of many LIVE Facebook videos.

Rather than simply being a straightforward newsletter, it is a visibility and connection movement that has many forms!

It’s about showing up imperfectly and connecting with YOU in the messy process of writing, living, and creating something nourishing. […]

Coming Undone

Coming Undone

i want to unhinge myself unzip my skin step out of the placid waters--the dark lake harboring wakes of emotion gone under   this looks like screaming out in the kitchen over dinner and dishes "I love this fucking song" it's been so long since I split myself open...

The Whimsical Word–What is your mountain?

The Whimsical Word A place where the act of creation is to break open into something more alive, and simultaneously step closer to the potential loss that might come with it. “One of the underlying obstacles that remains between us and the life we want for ourselves...

When your write what wants to be written, you stop rejecting the life you have made.

You stop imagining some other place, some other lover, some other career, some other you. You take your life into your arms and call it your own.

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