Give the Gift of Haiku:

A Custom Crafted and Personalized Poem

Sam writing a personalized poem on a typewriter to give the gift of Haiku.

Uniquely Personalized Haiku

Each haiku is a short yet powerful poem designed to nourish and delight the soul. (17 syllables in 3 lines).

Whether it’s a gift for a loved one or a treat for yourself, the haiku has the magical ability to capture the essence of something – a person, place, moment or experience – and reflect a powerful truth, provide inspiration, and resonate deeply. Emotions speak in the elegance of verse.

How It Works

Upon purchase, you’ll book a brief call with me and I’ll ask questions to hone in on your intentions, thoughts, feelings, and topic. This ensures your haiku is perfectly tailored to your unique story and what you’d like to share and express. The haiku can be on any topic of your choosing, making it a truly custom piece.

Once the haiku is written, which only takes a few minutes, I’ll share it with you before typing it up and sending it off.

If you follow my Monday Haiku newsletter, you can also choose a haiku from the collection that already speaks to you if you’d like.

Crafted With Love

I’ll bring your haiku to life on quality card stock using my vintage 1948 Underwood Typewriter. This creates a handcrafted feel and provides a timeless keepsake that’s as thoughtfully crafted as the words themselves. I’ll then wrap it up and mail it to the recipient with a gift note.

Delight and Soothe Hearts

Whether it’s for the upcoming holiday season, a birthday, anniversary, or just a special occasion, personally crafted haiku will delight and soothe someone’s heart and truly make their day. It’s a gift that goes beyond the ordinary – a gesture that speaks volumes and can provide a spark of light in these dark times.

Give the gift of Haiku with a personalized poem.

The Details

Haiku Gift Options

Choose between:

  • $25 unframed Haiku
  • $40 framed & gift-wrapped Haiku  (for an extra touch)

Booking Your Call

Once you complete your purchase, you’ll receive a link to book your call with me. Please keep an eye out for an email and check your SPAM folder as well. There’s no need to prepare or have anything in mind beforehand, we’ll unearth your sweet, yet deep poem together!

A truly meaningful gift that will leave

a lasting impression…

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