by Samantha Wallen | Sep 7, 2016 | Uncategorized
Last week I was live on FB sharing the 4-Steps to Living in FLOW on and off the page. In service of really sharing what flow is all about I want to tell you about what happened after that video. When I hit the “Done” button and went off the air, I felt totally...
by Samantha Wallen | Aug 31, 2016 | Uncategorized
I was on Facebook live yesterday for Whimsical Wednesday sharing a breakthrough I am currently having (yes, still having–I’m in the “breaking” part of the breakthrough) around what it means to live in flow on and off the page. I...
by Samantha Wallen | Aug 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
How clear is your atmosphere? This is just one of the questions that arose out of today’s first ever LIVE Video Whimsical Word Wednesday! I am reimagining and expanding my vision for my newsletter, The Whimsical Word, and today that started with the first...
by Samantha Wallen | May 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
“When you feel anything unpleasant, that’s the only way that you understand what other people are going through. You breathe it into the heart, and there’s a sense that the heart expands and expands as wide as it needs to expand in order to hold it or open to it,...
by Samantha Wallen | May 3, 2016 | Uncategorized
The Whimsical Word A place where the act of creation is to break open into something more alive, and simultaneously step closer to the potential loss that might come with it. “One of the underlying obstacles that remains between us and the life we want for ourselves...
by Samantha Wallen | Oct 30, 2014 | Uncategorized
It started in the kitchen while I was on my annual week-long silent meditation retreat. I was doing my nightly work meditation of clearing the food tables and putting away the dinner leftovers. In the corner between the storage shelves and the stainless steel...