Cathy Edgett - Author & Poet
Sam guided me to what is true, and the personal is what touches the universal.  She acts as a gentle guide/therapist as she probe the holes and creates a program with prompts and a schedule that honors the complexity of a well-lived life.   Perhaps the biggest shift in working with her was in sharing my work with others.  I became comfortable with writing quickly and then reading what I wrote to an audience. It was immediate feedback on what “works”, as I saw how what I wrote was received.  I was affirmed and supported. I saw that there are different responses to what I write.  I learned there are two types of writing.  We write for ourselves, and that purge is helpful, and there is the honing required for an audience.  We bring the two sides of the brain together in one whole, one piece of writing formed to share. I’ve learned to enjoy and appreciate all the processes required to form a book. There is more ease in how I approach my writing. I’m more comfortable with allowing my writing, my viewpoint and vision into the world. I’m less judgmental and more accepting that if my writing affects one person in a positive way, that is enough. Sam gives permission to balance your own life and include all of myself in the process.

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