Bonnie Woods - Artist
In the beginning I don't think I had an exact idea of how to get my arms around my visions. In that regard, I truly feel Sam was a huge part in accomplishing my final goal. Sam advised that I needed to get a handle on a structured process that would help me facilitate my objective. I needed to make a shift, set an intention and commit to the process on a daily basis. Huge change, and definitely helpful in so many ways.
What shifted for me was Sam's forceful, yet soft push to commit. Real, clear goals were key in actually getting the work done. She had me begin each time by going into a quiet place of contentment and gentle energy. I began to focus and get clear in my mind about what had to happen. The quiet time allowed me to enjoy the process. I was able to get centered and allow the subject to become the enchantment I was seeking. With Sam's guidance I was able to prioritize my time, relax and remember that this was an invitation from the Creator to make this work.
What's different now is that I am able to look back and see that with Sam's firm and gentle guidance, I was able to deepen my commitment. I can now allow the peace and support of the universe to come in and support me as an artist. With all the other things going on in my life, I felt she was there to hold my hand and say from afar, "it's OK, you can do this.....this is what feeds your soul". And, of course, she was right. She was there to remind me that the universe can hold and support me all the time. All I need do is let go and trust.