Write Your Story: Private Mentoring

It’s hard to follow the call to move interior parts of yourself into the exterior world in a way that others will understand, embrace, and ideally be moved by, whether you’re a seasoned writer or not.

Getting started, knowing where you’re going, and seeing the value, purpose, and importance of your voice and content isn’t easy.

But if you’re called to write a book, create a body of work, or share your story at this time, it’s your pathway for bringing your unique experience and gifts to the global challenges we face today. It’s your pathway for restoring your soul and the soul of our world.

To ignore the call is to ignore your role in the world’s becoming. To ignore the call is to ignore your very belongingness.

Private mentoring provides a safe and supportive structure for you to come home to the deep value, purpose, and power of your voice and story, and get the support you need to write it and share it with the world.


Your book is a container of completion, a vehicle of visibility for the meaning and power your precious life is here to convey.

How it works

Private mentoring takes place over a 6-month time frame so you have a spacious container to nourish and develop your writing practice with accountability and room to breathe.  This allows the work to emerge in the way it needs and wants to.

Each person is at a different stage in their writing process. We work together to create a program that is unique to you, your process, your project, and the other realities and commitments of your life. We create a personalized project structure and plan based on where you are and where you want to go with your writing.

The program features include:

  • Monthly 60-minute Support Sessions via phone or Zoom to set priorities, create structures, determine writing focus and time commitments, and to get coaching to move through challenges and stay inspired.


  • Ongoing Email Access as needed if further direction, support, or clarification is needed between sessions.
  • Regular Writing Submissions based on individual goals and deadlines, which are reviewed with an eye toward helping you identify your voice, themes, places of power, areas to develop or explore further, and next steps for the development of your work.

Private mentoring starts at $600/month for a six month program and varies depending on the established monthly page count of your submissions.

At the heart of your life is a deeper meaning that seeks to be conveyed and expressed. Together we uncover that meaning so it can be shared more fully on and off the page.

Why I love this work and what it can do for you

What I love about this work is that it’s deeply powerful and healing. You can’t see yourself by yourself. All writers need support along the way.

When you work with me privately you get an intimate support structure that helps you generate writing, see and trust the deep purpose and value of your voice and story, and helps you come to understand, what I call, the Restorative Writing Cycle and how that cycle works in your life so can create a consistent, meaningful, and sustainable writing practice that works for you.

Whatever shows up when you sit down to write also shows up elsewhere in your life. This is what I help you navigate. I can see what you don’t see. I can hear what you are saying and also what you are not saying. Together we enter the territories that you perhaps haven’t fully explored—shores of joy and brilliance, and lands of pain and wounding—and we use that to generate your unique body of work, your Living Book. (This can include, but isn’t limited to, a traditionally published book).

Committing to writing your Living Book revives and restores all that has been forgotten, lost, damaged, and neglected in you. It restores your relationship to the precious, invisible essence at the heart of your life and the living world. This is where meaning, healing, belonging, new potential, and inspiration are found so can embody them fully on and off the page. It is my purpose and a deep honor to support that.

I become your guide and help you find your way through the dense territories of fear, doubt, confusion and overwhelm so you can follow the true path of your own voice.

What others are saying…

I had a book I’d been working on for over a year, and due to some family events I had stopped writing and become quite stuck. I was looking for a gentle and supportive way to get back into the project. 

Not only was the program the gentle and supportive way back into my writing I was hoping for, but because of Sam’s encouragement I began sharing bits and pieces of what I’d been working on, on social media which has since grown into a blog and a growing author platform. This in addition to my book, which has progressed from a jumbled mess of a free writes to an almost complete first draft. Sam’s encouragement to put myself out there, even though I didn’t feel totally ready, also lead to me pitching the book at several writers conferences, and I now have several agents interested in seeing the project when it’s finished. 

If you’re dying to write but feeling too scared, paralyzed, or overwhelmed for one reason or another, you should definitely consider working with Sam! Her methods are effective, and it all starts feeling much less scary and much more doable. 

Carina Covella - Writer www.carinacovella.com

I wanted to create content for a program for my business, but I was overwhelmed and stuck. I felt pulled in many different directions about what I SHOULD be doing that I wasn’t listening to my own needs. I had poor boundaries and didn’t trust that I knew what needed to be done. 

I finally heard my own clear, strong voice. It was hidden deep underneath all of the “should’s.” I knew what I needed to write about. The writing exercises that Sam had me do allowed me to tap into that voice. I worked through some concepts and ideas in those exercises that became the foundation of some of my program content. I have a speaking engagement booked next month based on that writing that I envision will bring in many ideal clients! 

Sam is a genius at tapping into the deeper issue. She can hear you in a way you have never been heard before. Be prepared to get to the heart of the issue. She is supportive, kind and you will feel so safe opening up to allow yourself to be seen. Working with Sam has allowed me to find my voice not just in writing, but in all communications. I am a clear, consistent version of myself in all facets of my life. Thank you, Sam!

Lori Cisneros 

I knew when I met Sam that I wanted to work with her.  Even the way she speaks is poetic in nature, she just has a way with words!  I wanted to make sure my book was true to my heart.  When I spoke with Sam, I felt like she really understood the message that I wanted to convey in the book, and even saw some themes that I hadn’t picked up on myself.  I would often question myself, what am I doing and why am I doing this?  

Every conversation I had, she put me at ease with the different writing tasks that I had and more and more I became clearer on the importance of telling my story.  It is so very rewarding to know that someone gets you and wants you to express yourself through writing.  I never thought I was a writer, but now I do, and being able to express that in my book has been life-changing!  I’m so thankful for my work with her, and now feel like my book is close to publishing!  

Lou-anne Stefankiw - Life & Body Coach @CoachLouanne

What strikes me about working with Sam is her capacity to listen.  She has a powerful gift in that her listening calls forth the parts of ourselves that want to be seen, written, and integrated.  Sam allows for all parts of who we are to be okay; and to not only be okay but to be welcomed into the whole.  

I had done a lot of work prior to finding Sam, but Sam helped me bring years of experience, growth and healing together, where it could live now outside of myself as stories on the page.  Not only that, the feedback Sam provided helped deepen my understanding of the journey and its richness.  With these tools, the work now is to continue that writing as an ongoing practice.  

Thank you, Sam, for all that you have done to be the light for those searching for the words, the context, and the structure to share our stories.  Your offering is a powerful gift for those ready and willing to receive it.

Stephanie Russell www.stephaniejrussell.com

Sam guided me to what is true, and the personal is what touches the universal.  She acts as a gentle guide/therapist as she probe the holes and creates a program with prompts and a schedule that honors the complexity of a well-lived life.  

Perhaps the biggest shift in working with her was in sharing my work with others.  I became comfortable with writing quickly and then reading what I wrote to an audience. It was immediate feedback on what “works”, as I saw how what I wrote was received.  I was affirmed and supported. I saw that there are different responses to what I write. 

I learned there are two types of writing.  We write for ourselves, and that purge is helpful, and there is the honing required for an audience.  We bring the two sides of the brain together in one whole, one piece of writing formed to share.

I’ve learned to enjoy and appreciate all the processes required to form a book. There is more ease in how I approach my writing. I’m more comfortable with allowing my writing, my viewpoint and vision into the world. I’m less judgmental and more accepting that if my writing affects one person in a positive way, that is enough.

Sam gives permission to balance your own life and include all of myself in the process.

Cathy Edgett - Author & Poet www.cathysblog.org

In the beginning I don’t think I had an exact idea of how to get my arms around my visions.  In that regard, I truly feel Sam was a huge part in accomplishing my final goal. Sam advised that I needed to get a handle on a structured process that would help me facilitate my objective.  I needed to make a shift, set an intention and commit to the process on a daily basis.  Huge change, and definitely helpful in so many ways.

What shifted for me was Sam’s forceful, yet soft push to commit. Real, clear goals were key in actually getting the work done.  She had me begin each time by going into a quiet place of contentment and gentle energy. I began to focus and get clear in my mind about what had to happen.  The quiet time allowed me to enjoy the process.  I was able to get centered and allow the subject to become the enchantment I was seeking.  With Sam’s guidance I was able to prioritize my time, relax and remember that this was an invitation from the Creator to make this work.

What’s different now is that I am able to look back and see that with Sam’s firm and gentle guidance, I was able to deepen my commitment.   I can now allow the peace and support of the universe to come in and support me as an artist.  With all the other things going on in my life, I felt she was there to hold my hand and say from afar, “it’s OK, you can do this…..this is what feeds your soul”.  And, of course, she was right.  She was there to remind me that the universe can hold and support me all the time.  All I need do is let go and trust.

Bonnie Woods - Artist www.bonniewoods.com

I was just coming out of the period of my life that I intended to write about.  I was still shaking from the trauma, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from writing about it.  I knew I had more to experience before the full scope of my book would be revealed, but it didn’t matter, I knew the writing would heal me.  I knew the work of organizing my thoughts within my experiences would bring me even deeper clarity, not only to the meaning of it all, but also the potential impact it would have for others. 

Sam has been exceptional in holding the space for me to align myself and my story with the deeper meaning of it, with an eye on the human spiritual evolution the story will ultimately represent. 

Sam’s wise and gentle guidance has given me a whole different way to look at my book. Without her and this structure, my book would undoubtedly be lost and forgotten.  My healing would not have had any hope of completion, and my story would have been unavailable to help others.  And the worst of it would have been that I wouldn’t have even grasped the fundamental significance of writing and releasing this story:  to shift humanity—if even in the tiniest way—to more deeply connect with love and compassion.  

Sam’s steady invitation to write from an intangible, sacred space helped to bring out the heart of my book.  

Dr. Carin LaCount - Writer & Optometrist  

 I initially started working with Sam to bring a book that I had started to completion only to realize how much deeper I had to dive into my own shadowy depths to bring the true story arc to life. I am more clear than ever on what my values in life are, what my soul calling is. I have a deeper sense of spirituality and serendipity. I am incredibly grateful that Sam and I met on one fateful day of volunteer work in a men’s prison. Looking back, I am awe-struck and full of gratitude that Sam has been able to guide me out of my own internal prison to a new dawn, a new beginning, where I am free. Free from my past fears and insecurities. My intentions at the start of our time together was to work towards the goal of peace, contentment, groundedness and a sense of being solidly connected with myself – felt in the heart and throat. I can say that, without a doubt, I do have this sense of peace and groundedness today – despite living through a chaotic time in both my personal life and the world’s history.

 My writing is more intentional, transparent, and intimate compared to when I first started working with Sam. My writing was very light and surface level. Sam taught me to go deeper, go below the surface, and truly understand what was behind certain situations and feelings. I have a deeper sense of myself and how I can uniquely contribute to the world as a result of my work with Sam.

Christina Thelin - Writer, Marketing Brand Strategist & Interior Designer www.highvibehavens.com

This is for you if:

  • You have a desire to write a book or engage in a deeper writing journey.
  • You want to know what your book is about.
  • You want to know how your voice and what you write is important to others.
  • You want to know the next steps to move your writing process and writing goals forward.
  • You want to develop a nurturing and sustainable writing life. 
  • You love/long to write and feel nourished by it and you want to take that further and develop a book or larger body of work.
  • You have a desire to create and express something meaningful, something that really represents you and what you’ve come to know and understand about life that can help others.
  • Your compassionate nature and desire to be of service to others has caused you to repress or postpone your own expression and you’re ready to open that channel of expression now.

“Perhaps my book can be a resting place–a place where the pain and wisdom of my life is acknowledged, archived, honored and then closed into something small enough to be held in the human hand.”   –Jane Flint, Former Private Mentoring Client 

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