Write Your Story: Private Mentoring
It’s hard to follow the call to move interior parts of yourself into the exterior world in a way that others will understand, embrace, and ideally be moved by, whether you’re a seasoned writer or not.
Getting started, knowing where you’re going, and seeing the value, purpose, and importance of your voice and content isn’t easy.
But if you’re called to write a book, create a body of work, or share your story at this time, it’s your pathway for bringing your unique experience and gifts to the global challenges we face today. It’s your pathway for restoring your soul and the soul of our world.
To ignore the call is to ignore your role in the world’s becoming. To ignore the call is to ignore your very belongingness.
Private mentoring provides a safe and supportive structure for you to come home to the deep value, purpose, and power of your voice and story, and get the support you need to write it and share it with the world.
Your book is a container of completion, a vehicle of visibility for the meaning and power your precious life is here to convey.
How it works
Private mentoring takes place over a 6-month time frame so you have a spacious container to nourish and develop your writing practice with accountability and room to breathe. This allows the work to emerge in the way it needs and wants to.
Each person is at a different stage in their writing process. We work together to create a program that is unique to you, your process, your project, and the other realities and commitments of your life. We create a personalized project structure and plan based on where you are and where you want to go with your writing.
The program features include:
- Monthly 60-minute Support Sessions via phone or Zoom to set priorities, create structures, determine writing focus and time commitments, and to get coaching to move through challenges and stay inspired.
- Ongoing Email Access as needed if further direction, support, or clarification is needed between sessions.
- Regular Writing Submissions based on individual goals and deadlines, which are reviewed with an eye toward helping you identify your voice, themes, places of power, areas to develop or explore further, and next steps for the development of your work.
Private mentoring starts at $600/month for a six month program and varies depending on the established monthly page count of your submissions.
At the heart of your life is a deeper meaning that seeks to be conveyed and expressed. Together we uncover that meaning so it can be shared more fully on and off the page.
Why I love this work and what it can do for you
What I love about this work is that it’s deeply powerful and healing. You can’t see yourself by yourself. All writers need support along the way.
When you work with me privately you get an intimate support structure that helps you generate writing, see and trust the deep purpose and value of your voice and story, and helps you come to understand, what I call, the Restorative Writing Cycle and how that cycle works in your life so can create a consistent, meaningful, and sustainable writing practice that works for you.
Whatever shows up when you sit down to write also shows up elsewhere in your life. This is what I help you navigate. I can see what you don’t see. I can hear what you are saying and also what you are not saying. Together we enter the territories that you perhaps haven’t fully explored—shores of joy and brilliance, and lands of pain and wounding—and we use that to generate your unique body of work, your Living Book. (This can include, but isn’t limited to, a traditionally published book).
Committing to writing your Living Book revives and restores all that has been forgotten, lost, damaged, and neglected in you. It restores your relationship to the precious, invisible essence at the heart of your life and the living world. This is where meaning, healing, belonging, new potential, and inspiration are found so can embody them fully on and off the page. It is my purpose and a deep honor to support that.
I become your guide and help you find your way through the dense territories of fear, doubt, confusion and overwhelm so you can follow the true path of your own voice.
What others are saying…
This is for you if:
- You have a desire to write a book or engage in a deeper writing journey.
- You want to know what your book is about.
- You want to know how your voice and what you write is important to others.
- You want to know the next steps to move your writing process and writing goals forward.
- You want to develop a nurturing and sustainable writing life.
- You love/long to write and feel nourished by it and you want to take that further and develop a book or larger body of work.
- You have a desire to create and express something meaningful, something that really represents you and what you’ve come to know and understand about life that can help others.
- Your compassionate nature and desire to be of service to others has caused you to repress or postpone your own expression and you’re ready to open that channel of expression now.
“Perhaps my book can be a resting place–a place where the pain and wisdom of my life is acknowledged, archived, honored and then closed into something small enough to be held in the human hand.” –Jane Flint, Former Private Mentoring Client