Beyond the Journal Writing Community

Go Beyond the Pages of Your Journal to

Build a Sustainable, Nourishing & Visible Writing Life

The Beyond the Journal Writing Community is a year long immersive experience that supports you to build a sustainable and nourishing writing life that goes beyond the pages of your journal.

Over the course of the year, you will be guided through the restorative writing cycle — from free writing, to identifying your voice, to developing your work, to finding an audience — so you can understand how that cycle uniquely works in your life, identify the value of your voice and stories, and bring them out into the world in a more visible and fulfilling way.




“We are called to share the stories we carry so that we can live within them. We need to speak the stories that shape us as people and teach us how to live with the earth and each other.”   –Deena Metzger

The Writing Journey You’ll Go On

The Core Intention


The core intention of this journey is to deepen your relationship to writing whether you are a seasoned writer or someone just beginning to claim a writing life. Writers on this journey embark with an understanding that to be called from your soul to write is a sacred opportunity and responsibility that restores something ineffable in you and our world.

You don’t have to know where you are going or what you’re going to discover, in fact, deep writing comes from the place of not knowing. The only thing you need to know before you begin is that you are ready to devote yourself to writing, not only to complete a project or book, but because writing feeds your soul and is a long-term endeavor for you, even as it ebbs and flows.



Overview of the Year



The year is structured into 3 seasons that follow the rhythm of nature’s cycle as well as the rhythm of the restorative writing cycle.

Each season includes:

  • 2 – live Zoom sessions a month (1st and 3rd Tuesdays 10:00 -12:00 Pacific)
  • In-depth content on the stages and elements of writing and the restorative writing cycle
  • Ongoing community space on Mighty Networks.

Between each seasonal shift is a retreat and integration month where the content and regular live Zoom sessions are paused to allow for the spaciousness needed to go deeper into your writing practice and truly apprentice yourself to your own writing process. During these months the community will gather for virtual day-long writing retreats.


The Seasons

February – March – April


The spring season is about establishing the ground of your writing life through “alive writing” (writing without agenda) and learning how to more fully identify your voice.

We start in February with content on:

  • How and where to begin
  • Creating time and space to write
  • Structures that support you

Over March and April we then move into:

  • What it really means to be seen as a writer
  • How to give and receive feedback
  • How to identify and know the heartbeat and deep purpose of your voice

June – July – August


The summer season is about tending to the growth and blossoming of your writing through the development of your work. This is one of the most challenging and rewarding elements of the writing cycle and it requires ample time and devotion.

In June we’ll:

  • Revisit the writing that emerged in the alive writing process
  • Intuit and discern what wants to be developed

In July & August we’ll:

  • Move into finding the form your writing wants to take once you’ve chosen to develop it
  • Go deeper into what it means to craft and edit your work

October – November – December


The autumn to winter season is about harvesting and sharing your work by finding an audience and making that an integral part of your writing life.  Finding an audience brings completion and fulfillment. Without it, writers often experience a perpetual sense of isolation, inadequacy, incompletion, and lack of fulfillment around their writing.

In October we’ll make the transition from developing your work into:

  • The importance of sharing and the fears of exposure

November and December will explore:

  • Paths of publishing 
  • The joy of completion and return
  • A broader context for success that allows you to keep your writing life alive


May – September – January


 The time between the change of seasons is for pausing, retreating, integrating and going deeper to truly be with your own process. This time is a necessary part of the writing cycle and allows for ideas and insights to germinate and emerge more clearly. It can reveal patterns of resistance, distraction and procrastination, it can help you accept times of  “not writing” as an important part of your process, and it can help you understand the kind of support and structure you really need to come back to writing when you’ve gone away.

For the months of May, September, and January we will:

  • Take a break from new content and the regular live Zoom sessions
  • Gather together for virtual day-long writing retreats
  • Continue to share and support each other in the Mighty Networks online community space



The Details

Enrollment is Currently Closed 


Spring Dates:





Summer Dates:





Fall & Winter Dates:





Writing Retreat Dates:




Price:  $3,900*

Payment Options:

  • Pay in Full

  • 3 Seasonal Payments of $1,300

  • 12 Monthly Payments of $325

This Session is Now Closed!


Join the waitlist and be the first to know about the next session!


I offer a few partial scholarships to marginalized people who are not able to participate due to financial hardship.  I believe that everyone deserves access to communities, programs and opportunities that feed their soul and calling. If you would like to participate and need financial assistance to do so, please APPLY HERE.

What Others are Saying…

I am harvesting so many things from this experience. One thing that I am really smitten with is one word agenda free writing. Every time I do it I am just blown away by what gets revealed. It so quickly allows me to drop into myself and be in touch with myself. It’s a very integrating practice for me. The power of writing for me right now is in doing it for me. I am so drawn to noticing and observing and expressing my own experiences. When I do that that seems to be a portal for me into so much. There is something very present about the expression of my voice.

When we started this program, this felt like a special oasis, kind of a break from the daily going out, and suddenly everything came into this space, and it felt like everything turned upside down. The times that I was here and able to show up, and make the commitment to allow myself to be present, the benefits of doing that were tremendous. Thank you to everyone in the group for your presence and witnessing. We’ve said a few times how special it is to be a part of this. Most of us, I think were strangers at the beginning of this. Just to be able to share with others this way has been wonderful. Sam, thank you for creating this space. There’s something about your presence and your ability to listen so deeply to people and reflect. That is unique and I hope you know how amazing you are at what you do. Your acceptance and going with the flow, but also nudging me a little bit was perfect for me. Thank you.

Julie Cullinane 
Julie Cullinane

I am finding form. Publishing isn’t what I thought it would look like. Knowing there are so many more layers and principles that I can work with I am seeing that I no longer need to dismiss my work because it doesn’t look the way I thought it would. There is still a lot of agenda for me, but the agenda is ultimately self-expression because it’s my business.

Sam’s ability to listen so deeply and reflect is just incredible and a real gift. I’m grateful. 

What she does in this space is something I study, because she does it so magnificently. She moves energy through her listening. She is a beautiful teacher and I have enjoyed all of this.

Meredith Vaish 
Meredith Vaish

Sam has a special power to get the best out of all of us. The most valuable thing I received from this program is finding a voice (not ready to say my voice), as well as getting feedback from the group and feeling comfortable to share my work.

I now understand I need some structure for my writing. I like the group setting and think it is good for me going forward. I need a combo of sharing, agenda free writing and working the craft. I also have a new definition of routine and discipline and I have complete permission to write the stories that need to be written without worrying how they connect.

Patti DiVella 
Patti DiVella

When I write now, I let myself have nothing epic or important to say. I let that be enough. Before I started working with Sam I’d get in the way of my own process because I was putting so much pressure on myself to write the next great American novel.

I’m so glad I’m not putting that kind of pressure on my writing now because it lets me use the practice as a tool to explore, discover, process, and release. It’s only through that collaborative and kind practice that I’m able to create something that feels shareable.

Teresa Peterson @rebelpractice
Teresa Peterson

Sam is the best listener I have ever met. Her ability to hear the deeper purpose in her clients’ voices is astounding. The Beyond the Journal program provided a powerful structure for insight and healing through writing and connecting with other writers.

The most valuable thing I took away from my experience is knowing that my voice is welcome. And that no matter what I write about, my voice and deeper purpose shine through. I write often now, even when (and especially when) I don’t know what I’m going to write about. I was only writing about once a month before this class. Now I write many times each week.

Megan D.  
Megan D.

Working with Sam and the women of our group has allowed me to trust my voice and allow it to develop through stories and poems that reflect my unique way of seeing and understanding myself and the world around me. My voice is an extension of my unique self and the experiences and people of my life. When I began, I started writing deeply into some of the dark of my life, unraveling the secrets that have lain hidden.

Now, I feel that I’ve come full circle in a way – back to the voice of the poet that I love so much and that brings me joy. I’ve discovered that having a blend of poetry and story works well for me. The joy of one word writing, haiku, six word stories, bring me to the heart of what I want to say.

I’ve learned that there is an ebb and flow to my writing process. At times, the poems flow like liquid gold. The one word agenda free process surprises me and takes me to gateways within my writing that otherwise would’ve remained locked. I am in the process of gathering stories from my life while at the same time staying present to what is alive in the moment and wanting to be expressed. Writing has become giving and receiving, a pulling and a pushing, a beginning and an ending.

I’ve gotten braver about sharing my work. I even entered a poetry contest! What fun. I’ve learned that my words contain power and that there is responsibility with each one.

Livia Thomas 
Livia Thomas

The Power & Importance of Community Writing

Being seen is one of the fundamental things we crave as human beings, AND it is one of the most difficult and vulnerable things to do.

You can’t see yourself by yourself.  To see yourself more clearly, you have to be seen by others and learn how to receive what they (and the world around you) can reflect back to you about the essence of who you are. This is what allows you to truly identify your voice and fully claim yourself as a writer. In this way, the community is the most powerful and important aspect of this writing journey.

Being in a community with other soul-called writers provides gentle accountability, a safe, intimate and supportive place to become visible as a writer, and a deep well of encouragement when you lose your way.




“The accountability of the group remains essential to me. Having a group of writers that I trust to hear my stories and poems, to read them and respond to them, has helped me to grow. Reading and hearing the other writers share their work also helps me grow and look deeper into the heart of my own voice and process.” 
–Livia Thomas, BTJ Writing Community Member

Get the Support You Need To:

  • Make writing and sharing your work a priority. 
  • Get clear on the purpose and value of your voice.
  • Gather the resources you need to write regularly.
  • Discover how to identify your authentic voice and develop finished pieces.
  • Find an audience that’s right for you.
  • Build the capacity to receive feedback without getting shut down.
  • Receive gentle accountability, support and encouragement from a community of soul-called writers.

Our Core Values

This is for you if…

  • You’re called to write and share your work.


  • You’re ready to prioritize writing and create a practice and writing life that works for you.
  • You know writing restores something precious in you and you want to experience that consistently.
  • You want structures that help you know why your writing matters.
  • You’re ready to share the stories, ideas, insights, truth and wisdom you’ve discovered in a more visible way.

Price:  $3,900*

Payment Options:

  • Pay in Full

  • 3 Seasonal Payments of $1,300

  • 12 Monthly Payments of $325 

This Session is Now Closed!

Join the waitlist and be the first to know about the next session!


I offer a few partial scholarships to marginalized people who are not able to participate due to financial hardship.  I believe that everyone deserves access to communities, programs and opportunities that feed their soul and calling. If you would like to participate and need financial assistance to do so, please APPLY HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will I need to set aside to participate?

The heart of the program is our 2 hour live session. Attending the live sessions is most beneficial, but you’ll still benefit from watching the replays at your own pace if you are unable to attend. Each person’s writing practice will be unique to their life and schedule. An ideal starting point is 15 minutes 4 to 5 days a week. You’ll also want to set aside time for engaging in the monthly content as well as time to engage in our Mighty Networks community where you can share, read, comment, ask questions and engage in discussion at your own pace and availability. 

Do I need to be a good or seasoned writer to join?

No! I’ve helped many people begin writing and clarify their voice and focus. If you are just getting started or are just coming back to writing, you are very welcome here! Similarly if you have been writing a long time you will deepen your commitment to your practice, gain new insight into your voice, develop skills, and become more visible with your writing. 

I want to write a book, can I get started with that here?

Yes! This is an ideal place to begin the process of writing your book or a larger project. While the main focus will not be on book development specifically, you’ll discover what your book is about, why it is important to you and others, generate potential content for it, and clarify your process, your goals, and what you need to make it happen. You will create a sustainable foundation for writing and completing your book. 

Will I receive 1:1 support?

The live weekly sessions are your chance to receive direct support. Depending on group size, I can’t guarantee every single question will be answered every week. But I do make it a priority to have every voice heard within the group on a regular basis. You can also ask for comments and feedback from the community on Mighty Networks (which is highly encouraged). If you feel you need in-depth 1:1 support in order to move your writing forward you can book an In-Depth Writing Response & Personalized Guidance Session with me at any time. 

Am I going to get lost in a group of 50 people?

No! I keep my programs small on purpose so that there’s room for everyone’s voice over the course of the program. I deeply value the connection, engagement, and community that comes from intimate group settings.

Got more questions?

Feel free to drop me a line and I’ll get back to you asap!

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